Beyond the VCRtex

signal brought to you through time by:

The Tachyonic Anti-Television

*Greetings from the present*

This is J-41 v9s(J Dash) and their main man Devastator X(Dev) comin' at ya from the post cambrian era, just a couple scrap boys looking to better understand the culture of the past. Is it the 80s or 90s when you are? We've tried to send a signal back far enough but this machine is real weird and super complicated so we don't really know what we're doing. Anyway we've uncovered a wellspring of 80s and 90s relics during our scrapping excavations and we are totally obsessed with what was obviously peak civilization, but we want to know more! Like why do normal families have dogs, what are they trying to protect and from who? Or why are you guys constantly refering to Androids as robots, is that not considered racist yet? And what ritual was this Urkel fetish idol created for and why when I pull it's string does it speak in guttural gibberish? Eitherway we look forward to talking to you guys about our favorite ancient history, your present! We figured out how to make an electronic mailbox on your net!

Is that a cat?

VHS collection: